Let us go a bit deeper in the feature descriptions.
The priest and church records define domain for holy service filtering.
In the first round of holy service acquisition you will create quite a number of clients, but once you establish the base of your clients (which is quite stable in our parish), you begin to gain benefits. When you create holy service and assign a client, you will be offered a choice from intentions served in previous year for this client - very often the intentions repeat. You can choose to get around by not defining client at all or define single one client for every holy service, but it is not a preferred and assumed way.
You start to edit the data by double clicking on the table cell.
All data are ordered by first column - if you change the first column in a way that causes reordering, the row with record can wildly jump to another place. This is especially annoying when you define new record. For now I consider it being a feature rather than a bug.
Double click a day cell if there is no holy service contained, new one gets created. If you intend to define more holy services in one day, right click on a cell and choose menu item
and define the service. Generally you can do all modifications (add/edit/delete) by context menu on table cell, double click runs default action - create when no service is available or edit otherwise.Note that holy service detail screen uses big font type. That eases your cooperation with visually challenged clients.
Client selection is easy, just start to type the surname.
In the application are considered two holy services colliding, if they are defined to be served by the same priest in the same church in intersecting time interval. This respects setup that more priests can serve the same holy service with more intentions. Collisions are checked when you create service records.
According to my experience the clients are prone to “trade” with recorded holy service dates. Client coming later finds out that his intended date is already occupied and tries to persuade his lucky brother or sister in Christ to let him the date for whatever reason.
If they agree on switching the dates, take one of the service records, make sure that they are to be served in the same time and press collision deliberately. You will be offered to interchange the holy services then.
button so as to createLight blue cell signalizes that the day cell contains only holy service records that are not assigned to any client, yet. Saturated blue tone means that day contains at least one assigned holy service.
This color code is practical in small parishes like ours one, where is usually served max. one service a day.
However the above mentioned blue color is just a default setting - using All churches and there are multiple services for one day, the cell background becomes striped to give an overview.
→ you can select the church and assign own color to the holy services served in the church. Still holds that assigned services are drawn in more staurated color than the not assigned ones. When church selection on the main toolbar is set toThere is another colourful item on the main screen - month name labels. The colors here symbolize nothing more than year season the month belongs to.
This progress bar shows percentage of holy services assigned to clients in given month. The rationale for this indicator is that our priest insists on having some reserve holy service in every month.
I know that we will have 3 holy services a week. I generate them with holy service generator for our church and priest, not assigning a client. Client comes and I tell him, that slightly blue cells are available - he chooses one, I assign him to a service, write down intention and free “space” indicator is updated.
Kind of overview, if you work this way - generating of unassigned services in advance and populating them.
The first and main purpose of filter conditions is to query the data flexibly. Another effect of filter settings is that filter being set to particular church and/or priest causes the church/and priest to be preselected when you create a new holy service.
Naturally, when you define holy service not passing a filter (filter set to church “A” and new holy service assigned to church “B”), on the main screen stays no track after the new defined record - it does not fit to current filter! Set filter on church “B” and you will see it again.
Last selected filter settings and displayed year is remembered in system registry (Windows) or configuration file (Unix) - it will be restored on next program start.
I (and my clients, too) like to see all opportunities for having the holy service - in our village we have holy service every Monday, Friday and Sunday (for instance). Behind this rough layout is are finer nuances - every first Friday in month is served holy service for children in families, every third Sunday is in our church served service for all members of parish (this intentions rotates among all three parish churches).
That is the reason for two modes of generator - first one defines holy services in regular time spans - every Monday (every 1st Monday to express this in generator options) or every third Sunday as for the example. Basically I have two options how to setup the Sundays:
I generate unassigned holy service for every Sunday in year and in second run I will choose to generate every third Sunday from certain date holy service (optionally) assigned to client “all people” with intention “for all people in parish” REPLACING colliding services.
Or I generate every third Sunday the proper holy service with the intention and add the free holy services - now I will ask for creation of holy service for all Sundays SKIPPING the colliding services.
The other options of generator is useful for the other task - repeating of services served every first Friday, second Tuesday or whatever n-th weekday in month, basically one day in month.
Press the button
once you are satisfied with the options.![]() | Warning |
As with all generators, you ought to be careful - in a few seconds you could overwrite your precious hand written records. I recommend to populate new year with generator and add the details manually after all generating is over. |
All visible (passed through the current filter) holy services can be directly printed on the printer or exported to HTML (Web page), PDF (Adobe Acrobat), PostScript, CSV, iCal or XML format.
For all kind of output save the iCal/XML ones you can modify the order and type of columns that are exported via button
in print dialog. By dragging the columns between visible and hidden columns table you will arrange the printout. The layout is persisted in the system settings, it is not transferred with the data file - that means on other computer you get the default column arrangement..If you would like to modify the report, I recommend you to do HTML export and modify it according to own taste. Many editor support visual modification of this web page format today. The document is immediately ready to be published on the web. Also PDF is often found on the web, but is not that easily editable.
You can also opt to do after-export modification in the
CSV format (I use conditional formatting of the table
to emphasize Sunday services in the list). CSV is
useful to be associated with spreadsheet application, OpenOffice Calculator or MS Excel work just fine.
CSV is deliberately encoded in LOCAL code page - some
popular applications still tend to have problem with
UTF-8 encoding. As a separator is used semicolon
character, since comma is very common in
intention texts.
iCal format is accepted by wide selection of time organizer/calendar applications - let us name GoogleCalendar web service, IBM LotusNotes, Microsoft Outlook, KOrganizer ... They have a function to import calendar file with holy services that you just exported.
XML export contains all available information
about holy services - it can be converted into web page by
transformation template defaultReport.xslt
program folder. If you have some computer skills, you can easily edit
the xslt
file (looking into export file for tag
name) to adapt the web browser page according to your desire.
It is advantageous to have assigned the XML files to web browser capable of XSLT transformation (Mozilla, Safari, Opera, MSIE) - program tries to open the exported file with associated application after the export is finished. But when you have the possibility to output directly web page format, this option is more for experts.