Quick start guide

  1. After you start the application, no data file is found - wizard guiding you through creating of new data file prompts you for input of basic data - priest, church and holy service client. Feel free to precise (or extend) the input in screens opened by menu commands DefinitionsPriests ... and DefinitionsChurches .... Double click the field you want to alter or click on button Add <item> to define next records.

    After you close the definition screen, the filtering combo boxes on toolbar are completed by given data. If you choose particular priest/church in toolbar, they get pre-filled when you define new holy service.

  2. Define holy service clients (people giving the intentions) in the same way. They are not necessary, but you might want to put them in for your information.

  3. Select a year on the toolbar for which you want to create new holy service records.

  4. Double click on a day cell. If the cell is not colored, there is no holy service defined for that day (and priest and church) and you are offered to create new holy service. Assign church, priest, time, optionally client and intention to the holy service.


    Calendar cell containing holy service without client assignment has slightly blue background. If the client was assigned, background turns in more saturated tone. See the section called “Color code”

  5. Usually you need to do some report about intentions you have collected. Invoke command PrintPrint (Ctrl-P) and choose a time range and format of your output. Output will be created based on current filter set on main overview - i.e. if you have displayed only holy services for particular church, in the output will be only holy services from that church, too. You will put out what you see in overview.

    Output files are located in the TEMP folder of the system (usually C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp, /tmp on UNIXes. XML format is usable for printed output, for it will be displayed as regular web page in web browser. CSV format can be imported in spreadsheet applications. There you can pretty-print the data at your liking.

This is rough overview. For more detailed description read further!