Table of Contents
Primary goal of application is to bring overview into holy service planning in small parishes. Program enables registration of intentions for holy services as the members of parish demand it.
The author maintained the collecting of holy service intentions for eight years with predecessor of this program. The experience he gathered is (hopefully) imbued in this, from ground-up built remake.
As main highlights of application can be counted:
better overview about services over the year - the main screen of application resembles to yearly calendar page with colored boxes representing holy services
intention reuse - for the holy service client is offered a selection from intentions from previous year as they tend to be repeated or only slightly extended
holy service clients are sometimes visually challenged - big font of screen displaying holy service detail helps them to cooperate with you
services can be quickly filtered by priest or church to get an overview about load of particular priest/church in the parish
output can be easily turned to web contents or spreadsheet
no national codepage/diacritic issues - application is fully UNICODE compliant
no database driver configuration, no administration tasks required
easy backup - data is just one file
open code and open, standard data format - data is just plain, text based XML format that can be converted easily to different format
easy internationalization - with little effort the application can be extended to work in another language mutation